Tuesday 18 March 2014

Studio Brief 3: Interim Crit


Above are the mock ups I presented at the crit by laying them out on the table with three questions which were:
  1. Which design should I develop further?
  2. Colours... black/red, or blue/red? Or others?
  3. Feedback?
Key points of the feedback:
  • The briefcase design is the best but a little obvious.
  • The briefcase should be closed because it is being chased after.
  • The cracked designs are successfully simplistic.
  • The briefcase could be brought into another design somehow.
  • Make the colours link to the film.
  • Use blue and red.
  • Experiment with reds.
  • Red and black is very overdone with movie posters.
  • The briefcase typeface gives off a darker sense and feel.
I feel like it was hard for people to give proper feedback because they haven't seen the film, also my designs are in their very early stages.
Even though people are telling me to use red, I really want to try and avoid it because it is so overdone and boring in this context. 

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