Sunday 30 March 2014

Studio Brief 3: Final Crit

filled in text at bottom - hard to read
hand rendered type - looks like a proper typeface
green works even though its meant to be turquoise
the border works

We sat in groups of around 12 for the final crit of our Bruce Willis movie posters. The feedback I received about my poster was mostly good.
  • The text at the bottom would look better if it was filled in black rather than just outlined - it is quite hard to read unless you're up close to it.
  • The hand rendered movie title looks like a proper typeface and works really well.
  • The green background is successful, even though it was meant to turn out turquoise.
  • The white border is effective, as it gives it room to breathe and there is space for the cast names.
I agree that the text at the bottom of the page would be more legible filled in - however I like the minimal effect the thin outlining gives as it doen't distract from the imagery. But its not practical.

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