Wednesday 4 December 2013

Lecture: Advertising

Is advertising prostitution?

Advertising is seen as something that is used by capitalism to change valued views in society. It is considered influential in changing our perception and what we may need and want, it influences the way we feel and behave, but we are unaware of it.

"I shop therefore I am" - Barbara Kruger

Often accused of exploring sexism, treating people as cultural stereotypes of their sex.

Does sex actually sell?

Diesel campaign, 2010
Diesel campaign, 2010
Advertising can be positive in the way that it drives global economies and creativity. 
The first wave of creatives were revolutionaries eg Mayakovsky and Rodchenko, who were both Russian. The second wave were persuasive communicators eg Bernbach.

A theory is that art feeds advertising and vice versa - there are many adverts out there that are inspired by well known art, for example a Volkswagen advert based on the work of Magritte:

and Andy Warhol's Campbell soup work that is based on advertising, and was advertisement in itself:

Advertising shapes popular culture. Santa Claus was green before Coca Cola changed his clothing to red.

It can be endlessly entertaining:

Challenges you to do something:

Questions societal norms and attitudes:

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