Monday 30 December 2013

Studio Brief 2: photographs

I've taken a lot of photos for this brief, so I waited to take them all before putting them on here. It's going to be hard to wittle them down to 20...

I most enjoyed photographing the records together in piles because the bright vivid colours of all of them together look great. It took me ages to photograph the records individually from birds eye view because of the lighting and my shadowing getting in the way so i had to hold the camera at arms reach, so I didn't know how they'd turn out. I also kept thinking of photograph ideas to do so I just took so many photos in the end. Next I'm going to cut them down to about 50 and then hopefully it'll be easier to pick 20 from that. I want to pick a range of photos that will show how we have changed as a culture from using records, CDs and tapes. I also wanna show the difference in each of them, and their album designs. The emphasis is on vinyl sleeves being amazing to look at.

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