Thursday 17 December 2015

Research: Communication theory - articles and online video

Marshall Mcluhan: The medium is the message

5:30 - 6:10

The concern of the advertiser is to make an effect. Any painter, any artist, any musician, sets out to create an effect. He sets a strap to catches somebody's attention. Any painter, any poet, any musician sets a trap for your attention. That is the nature of art.

The Semiotics of Brand Building
Sudio Sudarsan (2015)

Like signs and symbols, brands are also imaginative signposts, signifying sign-object relations and connecting specific signs to definite objects. Take for instance the ‘golden arches’ of McDonald’s: Kids scream for a Happy Meal at the very sight of them. For children, the arches become a clear representation of food and fun, while for adults golden arches symbolize many other things (such as fast food, quick consistent service, and clean bathrooms) – all of which are instrumental brand identity markers in impressing the image of American food in consumers’ consciousness.

Since a brand is a system of sensory signs that incites consumers in a symbolic process, which then contributes to tangible value, semiotics is the keystone of brand building.

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