Sunday 3 November 2013

Studio Brief 4: Research - 99.4% of terrorists aren't muslims

ISLAM is always mentioned in articles about terrorists and we all assume they are muslim before reading further. This form of discrimination is definitely prominent, and I have found statistics that show quite surprising results (when comparing with what we hear about in the media).
Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide, despite the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrorist attack in 2008.  This bomb attack took place in the UK…Separatist terrorism remains the terrorism area which affects the EU most. This includes Basque separatist terrorism in Spain and France, and Corsican terrorism in France…Past contacts between ETA and the FARC illustrate the fact that also separatist terrorist organizations seek cooperation partners outside the EU on the basis of common interests.  In the UK, dissident Irish republican groups, principally the RIRA and the CIRA, and other paramilitary groups may continue to engage in crime and violence.

The fact that only 0.4% of terrorist attacks in Europe have been Islamist seems totally disproportionate to what we hear about. Some may argue that most of this terrorism included in the statistic is harmless to humans, but I personally think terrorism is terrorism and that could easily be used as an excuse to have an outlet for hate towards religion.


So what? This doesn`t wash the hands of Islam clean anyway. Islam is still the most intolerant racist, homophobic mindcontrolling, manipulative, no rights to women, most dangerous sect this planet has ever seen in modern times and I hope and wish for a total ban of this nonsense worldwide a.s.a.p.

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    Here's an interesting tidbit. For that lone attack in Italy in 2009 a grand total of 110 Islamic terrorists were arrested as suspects. 89 were trialled.
    In 2008 European countries managed to snag 187 suspected Islamic terrorists. While there were no reported terrorist attacks. Now, interestingly enough, the same year there were 190 verdicts in trials against Islamic terrorists.
    Now, these figures may not mean much, but it sure looks like some really unfavorable treatment of Muslims. Granted it's not as if they're hauling Muslims away to camps or anything. It's just that it doesn't seem quite proportionate.

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  • Not all Muslims are active terrorists. But all Muslims are supporters of terror. They have to be, because they are supporters of Muhammad and Koran.
    And Muhammad was a vile terrorist who killed and raped hundreds of people.
    He even killed 900 unarmed prisoners of war, the whole Jewish tribe of Bani Quraiza after they surrendered to him and asked for clemency. He sat there with his 12 years old "wife" and watched 900 men having their heads chopped off. The boys had to take their pants down, if they had pubic hear, then they were beheaded, if not, they became slaves.
    After the slaughter, all the girls and young women were raped and became sex slaves. Muhammad, of course, got the prettiest girl, a teenager called Reyhana.
    This is like in Germany, not all Nazis were murderers, but they all supported the murderer, Adolf Hitler.
    Now I wonder if this outfit will publish my post. 

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    I agree that Christian extremists can be, and have been, a very dangerous faction of Christianity. But where many Christians vocally condemn their murderous brethren, I have never seen a current Muslim do so. As much as I hate the "they are not true Christians" rhetoric, I have never heard a Muslim say "they are not true Muslims." I knew a Muslim woman who, right after 9-11, would say nothing more than "we are a religion of peace." She never once condemned the fundamentalist faction of her religion for their crimes. Yes, they are worse.

      • "I have never seen a current Muslim do so."
        To hear, you have to listen. A 5 minute search on google will show hundreds of official and unofficial statements by Muslim individuals or groups condemning acts of terrorism.

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