Friday 10 April 2015

Rebranding // Political party research

I have researched political parties that aren't in the mainstream light to see which one is most deserving of a rebrand. A lot were only representing one particular view such as legalising marijuana or boycotting the voting systems or existing parties. These following organisations are ones I thought have interesting or alternative views and solid policies.

Animal Welfare Party

'The UK political party for people, animals and the environment'

The values this party holds are to mostly bring justice to animals and improve how we are treating the environment - something I can get behind and which is often overlooked in politics. However, I think that their logo is effective and flows well.

Pirate Party
Promoting the right to take part in our shared culture and increasing access to culture is a key Pirate Party aim.
In a country of physical barriers, many find the online world a place to reclaim some freedom. But here too we are increasingly to be watched and restricted, while government and courts gather powers to disconnect us, block websites and monitor what we say and do.

The values of the Pirate party are intriguing and quite controversial.  Focusing mainly on government surveillance and the restriction of access to certain materials, they also have typical left wing views.

Their brand and website seem quite strong, and seem to have a cult following due to the crackdown on torrent websites as of late. This means that maybe they don't need a rebrand as much as other parties. I also get a negative connotation from the name, it seems quite obnoxious referring to themselves as 'pirates'...

Peace Party

Much of our political debate is conducted in a spirit of negativity, mistrust and hostility. The Peace Party believes that there is a better way, that epople are capable of compassion, kindness and generosity and it is this belief that informs all of our policies.The two areas that bring these ideas into sharpest focus are war and poverty. To put it simply, our ultimate objective is to eliminate both of these scourges and, in the process, release vast resources for the benefit of humanity.

I like the sound of the Peace party, as they are trying to end violence and people living in bad conditions - both quite selfless values.

War is a huge issue all over the world that seems ridiculous when there are strict laws against violence in all societies - what message is this giving out? Why is violence so easily turned to solve things? Does it really solve anything? War also costs governments vast amounts of money every year, which could be put to much better use.

The party's branding could be hugely improved, and doesn't have a proper logo or clear outlines.

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