Friday 10 April 2015

Rebranding // The Peace Party: visual branding research

I couldn't find an official logo for the party, except for the header on the website with a 'PEACE' logo, and what seems like a catchphrase next to it.

The logo isn't a fully designed logo, or a strong one. No imagery is used and just bold letters, which are much too heavy, making the word quite illegible from a distance.
The colours used are too wide in selection and clash quite a bit, making me think that not much thought has gone into the making of it.

Labour party logo
When compared to the logos and colour schemes of the main parties, it is clear to see it needs a rebrand that will communicate the party's values better, and stand out more. Saying that, some of the more effective logos are very minimal, so trying to represent all the values in the imagery isn't needed. The sole purpose is to reflect a strong and trustworthy party.

The website of a political party is a big part of it's brand, and it is one of the easiest way for people to access information.
The Peace Party's website overall looks very outdated and dull. It's pretty easy to use, but it doesn't inspire.

It looks very unprofessional compared to websites like that of President Obama's...

Above is a screenshot of the Peace Party's blog - the logo seen on their main website is not present here, and the clear colour scheme is not one used on any other platform of theirs. This makes me think that they have no direct of colour or connotations, and it isn't something they are focusing on much.

As seen above their manifesto, there is an image of (what I believe to be) the most used words, which is a nice touch that creates a visual representation of their policies. Saying that, it could definitely be presented in a clearer and politically appropriate way.

The Twitter account is once again not branded with a logo or anything similar but only an image of 'peace' badges. The profile seems very casual.

I am aware that a big reason why the Peace Party hasn't got solid campaigning or branding behind it is because of money. It lacks funding like the Conservative party, for example. Maybe with a little funding it could make a difference.

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