Wednesday 23 October 2013

Studio Brief 4: Message and Delivery

White Widow's poem of love for Bin Laden

I bought The Times newspaper on Tuesday 22nd October. The Times is a national daily broadsheet paper.
I chose this article because some of the details stood out to me as unusual.
  • The title exaggerates the story and makes it seem more about love than anything else.
  • It is turned into something that is supposed to be romantic, but it is about power and justice.
  • Samantha Lewthwaite converted to Islam when she was 15 years old. This is an unusual thing for a teenager to do.
  • She married Germaine Lindsay in 2002, who was one of the 7/7 London bombers.
  • It is unusual to read about a woman who is involved, or supporting, terrorism, so it has been sensationalised so people will read it.
  • It is also unusual for a white, British person to be involved in these things. The fact that this is unusual to me shows the prejudice in society and how things are portrayed in the media. From this I can look into how some articles can come across as Islamophobic when dealing with terrorism.

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