Thursday 24 October 2013

Studio Brief 4: Online opinions/comments

I looked through comments on articles about the story about the White Widow. I have found a range of opinions, some against Islam strongly and some against the woman's character.

The Telegraph

"The mentally afflicted should not be mocked, only a very deeply disturbed western woman would convert to islam, and develop into a fundamentalist nutjob."
"Why does the media give this psychopath publicity? The only time I want to read about her is when she is taken out by a drone strike."
"I suspect she hasn't fitted in anywhere, whether in England or in some islamic hell hole. Some misfits overcome their 'otherness' by sheer will power - many comedians start out from that point. But nothing excuses involvement in the killing and maiming of innocent people. "

Sky News
"We live in a world where confused, even mentally unstable people are allowed to exercise their twisted beliefs. Here a white woman poses as a white woman when sniffing out targets. Al Qaeda may have found their perfect weapon to use against the west. Of course, if she was a genuine Muslim, she would be on the road to peace, but she is just another disgusting creature who cowers behind a religion to try to make reason of her destructive actions." 
"Trying to have a logical conversation with people of this mindset, who can't even recognize your right to exist is a no brainer. At any stage in any conversation, if things don't go their 'way', they are likely to revert to their already declared agenda of destroying you. This is fundamentalist Islam. 
When it comes to non-Muslims, anything that doesn't submit to their values is seen as 'oppression' and this inevitably leads into a pejorative characterization of anything Western, Christian or Jewish, amid a set of prejudicial attitudes that have been nourished on the myth of the illegitimacy of non-Muslims, with encouragement to express its loyalties through aggressive hostility. 
Yet the liberal media and apologists would class any factual and truthful assessment as Islamophobic. Hence they are to be given a free pass to behave as they wish with impunity. Or else."

The Mirror 

"A love poem yeh right! Hahahaha media. things they make up"
"What decent God, religion, parent or even random human being would honestly want to see those sweet little kids, or any innocent person blown up? By their own words and deeds, Islam, Al Queda, Mohammad, Osama et al have repeatedly shown themselves to be nothing more than evil scum doing the bidding of Satan. It boggles my mind how unintelligent, evil and easily manipulated people like this stupid cow must be, to actively avoid facing the blindingly obvious."
"Capturing this fat pig and make bacon with her . ​​This woman is just a prostitute ugly, fat and useless." 

I have found Sky News has the most reasonable and level-headed comments on their article about this subject. There is always a mixture of comments, but The Mirror seemed to have more extreme and grotesque comments than any other article. This reflects the target audience of this paper and the website; it is a tabloid newspaper which generally are read by the lower classes of society.

The Telegraph is a broadsheet newspaper. It has more in depth comments that have more thought behind them, however some have ignorant opinions in a very extreme sense. This could be to do with the fact that 64% of readers are Conservative so their views may be more close-minded.

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