Wednesday 9 October 2013

Studio Brief 1: ALPHABET SOUP

For the 'Alphabet Soup' brief, I have been given the word "nobility".
  • The main meaning of this word is "the quality of being noble in character".
  • Noble means "belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status; aristocratic".
  • Aristocracy means "the highest class in certain societies, esp. holding hereditary titles or offices" or "a form of government in which power is held by the nobility".
To further my understanding of the world noble, I've looked up the synonyms of the adjective which are:

  • grand - magnificent or imposing in appearance, size, or style.
  • gentle - mild in temperament or behaviour; kind or tender.
  • sublime - of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe: "ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous".
  • high-minded - of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style.

In groups we passed around eachothers words and each wrote down what they made us think of. The things associated with mine are:
  • posh, blue blood
  • animals - eg a noble lion
  • throne
  • rich pattern

Aswell as a word, we were also given a font in which we had to work and manipulate how we like. I recieved Garamond, which I'm not familiar with at all. I'm not particularly fond of the style of it, especially with the letter 'a', however I will take on the challenge and use it appropriately.
As it was passed around my group, these were the associations:
  • space
  • formality
  • delicate
  • very planted/flat to the ground
I did some research into the background of Garamond, here is some information I found out:
  • The font was invented by Claude Garamond in 1530
  • He was a punch-cutter and cut types
  • old-style serif
  • its been described as almost having it's own category, as there are so many types branching from it
  • serif fonts are easier to read than sans serif, as our brains can recognise the letters well as they are distinctive
  • sans serif is more likely to be used for headings whereas serif is widely used as a body font
  • Garamond is considered among the most legible fonts
I plan on doing further research in wider areas to gain inspiration for creating the typography set.

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