Tuesday 29 April 2014

Studio Brief 2: Publication research - HALP


Historia de la Literatura Portátil
by Vila-Matas
Special Edition book based on the shandy identity and how it is related to the search of the identity of a desired person. As a result, the construction makes allusion of the need of putting a face to an idea.
In collaboration with Laura Giraudo.

 I really like the white cover of this book, as with the black rough type it is dramatic and upfront. I also think the binding of it makes it look more important, and full of rich content. The inside of the book jacket is very detailed and contrasts heavily with the white space on the book cover.
The ribbons included in the binding are a nice feature of the book, but I'd like to know why they are there, what are their different reasons for being included?
The painted letters give the publication a fresh and exciting feel, as they are completely unique unlike fonts which are digitised... they get so boring after awhile.

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